Шпаргалка по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка

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The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.

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02.Trav WB+.doc

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03. Tourism@+ Voc.doc

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05. Cust.PassCtrl+Voc.doc

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06. PostOffice@ WB+Voc.doc

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07. Shop.Mrkt+Voc .doc

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16.Med.Health WB+Voc.doc

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When, for example, in November in Westminster the Queen’s throne speech opens regular session of the parliament, a voice declaring a program of bills for discussion belongs to the Queen, whereas the words belong to the elected government. And when both chambers of the Parliament accept bills, none of them can become a law without a statement, making, according to the ritual, in Norman French language, that she decides so, the statement as a reminder about residual historical powers to refuse in her sanction.

The paradox is, that the monarch possess not power, but duties. To exercise these duties the monarch should be a fixed center in the changing UK, the symbol of continually binding the past, the present and the future, for people who in the democratic way decide by election who should possess the real authority, rejecting one prime-minister with his party and voting for a new one with his party.

You should remember, that in the House of Commons any prime-minister deals with the leader of the opposition, who is officially recognized as “Her Majesty’s opposition’. In other words, the monarch of the UK is above politics.

Politics come and leave, the hereditary monarch, who differs from elected and appointed from political considerations presidents, remains. Even the death during maintaining inheritance law, doesn’t create a vacuum. “King has died-long live the king”.

















Constitutional monarchy and the British Parliament (7)

          Long before the accession to the throne Elizabeth II, during the national historical development included revolution and civil war when one king was decapitated, and another was expelled to France, powers of monarchs passed on (to) their advisers. Nowadays these advisers - i.e. Parliament - are elected by voting of all men and the women who have reached 18-years age.

         When, for example, in November in Westminster the Queen’s throne speech opens regular session of Parliament, the voice, declaring the program of bills which are subject to discussion, belongs to the Queen, whereas words belong to the selected government. And when both chambers of Parliament accept bills, any of them cannot become the law without the application, making (pronouncing) according to the ceremony in the Norman-French language, that she decides the application, serving by a reminder on residual historical powers, to give up in the sanction.

        Paradox is that the monarch has no powers but duties. To carry these duties out he must remain immovable centre in changeable Commonwealth, being the symbol of continuity, connecting the past, the present and the future for the nation, that decides who must gain the real power by voting against one Prime Minister and his party and voting for another one and his party during (by means of) democratic elections.

        However, it shouldn’t be forgotten that in the House of Commons any Prime Minister deals with the leader of opposition officially called: “Leader of Opposition of Her Most Excellent Majesty”. In other words, the monarch in the United Kingdom is above politics (or is superior to politics).

        Politics, great and small, come and go away; differing from elected or appointed by political interests presidents, the succeed monarch remains. Even death doesn’t create the vacuum provided only that the right to succeed (right of succession) exists. «The king is dead – long life the king!». 












Конституционная Монархия и Парламент Британии (8)


        В отличие  от большинства других стран  в Британии нет письменной  конституции. Существующая парламентская  система, которая беспрестанно развивалась, начиная с XIII в., основывается на множестве отдельных законов, прецедентов и обычаев. В принципе она состоит из трех элементов: монарх, Палата лордов и Палата общин.

        Первоначально  обе палаты были подвластны  монарху. На протяжении веков они становились все сильнее и влиятельнее, но процесс этот был неровным и временами весьма болезненным. Даже в наши дни постановление парламента не может стать законом без согласия монарха, правда, в таком согласии не было отказано ни разу с 1707 г.

        Роль монарха  теперь практически сведена к  чисто церемониальной: раз в год  королева прибывает в парламент  в парадной карете, запряженной  лошадьми, и облачается в монаршее  одеяние и корону, чтобы открыть  новую сессию парламенту.

        Монархия – самый старинный светский институт Соединенного Королевства, и власть монарха является наследственной. Вместе с тем следует отметить, что в Британии королева царствует, но не управляет государством. Правительство Ее Величества правит страной от имени королевы, которая действует по совету своих министров. Королева созывает парламент, назначает перерыв в работе парламента, распускает парламент; она обычно открывает новые заседания парламента, выступая с тронной речью, в которой в общих чертах намечен основной курс правительства.

        Монарх должен  дать королевскую санкцию, прежде  чем законопроект, который прошел  все стадии обсуждения в обеих  палатах парламента, станет законодательным  актом парламента. В качестве  главы государства монарх имеет  право подписывать международные соглашения, уступать или получать территорию и объявлять войну или заключать мир.

        Монарх присуждает  почетные звания и назначает  на все важные государственные  должности, включая судей, офицеров  в вооруженных силах, дипломатов.








Constitutional Monarchy and British Parliament (8)

Differ from other countries, British constitution is not a written document. The existing parliamentary system which incessantly has developed since 18 century, is based on a set of separate laws, precedents and customs. Basically, it consists of three elements: the monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Originally both chambers were subject to the monarch. During centuries, they became stronger and more powerful, but this process was rough and sometimes rather painful. Even today the resolution of the parliament cannot become a law without monarch’s consent, true is, that such consent has never been refused since 1707.  

The monarch’s role, practically is ceremonial: once a year the queen arrives in the parliament in the carriage and puts on monarch’s dress and crown to open the new session of the parliament.

Monarchy is the most ancient temporal institute of the UK, and the monarch’s power is hereditary. At the same time, it is necessary to note, that in Britain the queen reigns, but does not rule. Her majesty’s government rules the country in the name of the queen, who acts on her ministers` recommendation. The queen summons, prorogues and dissolves the parliament, she usually opens a new sessions of the parliament by throne speech, which contains the main plans of the government.

The monarch should give the royal assent, before the bill which has passed all stages of discussion in both chambers of the parliament, becomes the parliament act. As the head of the state the monarch has the right to sign the international agreements, concede or receive territory and declare war and conclude the peace.

The monarch grants honours and appoints to all important state posts, including judges, officers of all armed forces, diplomats. 















Constitutional monarchy and the British Parliament (8)

        The British constitution, unlike that of most other countries, is no written one. The existing parliamentary system which has incessantly (continually) developed since XIII century is based on set of separate laws, precedents and conventions (customs). Basically it consists of three elements – the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Originally both chambers were subject to the monarch. During centuries they became stronger and more influential, but this process was rough (irregular) and from time to time rather painful. Even today the enactment of parliament cannot become the law without the Royal Assent, the truth, which has been never refused since 1707. The role of the monarch now is practically reduced (brought) to pure ceremonial one: yearly the Queen arrives to parliament in the smart horse carriage (in the carriage harnessed with horses – в карете запряженной лошадьми), and dresses monarchical attire and a crown to open new session of the parliament. The monarchy is the most ancient secular institute of the United Kingdom and authority of the monarch is hereditary.

        At the same time we have to mention that in Great Britain the Queen reigns but she doesn’t rule. The United Kingdom is governed by Her Majesty’s Government in the name of the Queen who acts on the advice of her ministers. The Queen summons prorogues and dissolves Parliament; normally she opens the new session of Parliament with a speech from the throne outlining her Government’s program. 

        Before a Bill which has passed all its stages of discussion in both Houses of Parliament becomes a legal enactment it must receive the Royal Assent. As the symbolic head of the government the Queen has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and to make peace, to annex and cede territory.

        The Queen awards various honorary titles and makes appointments to many important state offices, for instance (including), judges, army officers, members of the diplomatic corps.


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Our New Selection.doc

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